Cultural Capital at Willoughby
Cultural capital is defined as the accumulation of knowledge, behaviours, and skills that a pupil can draw upon and which demonstrates their cultural awareness, knowledge and competence; it is one of the key ingredients a pupil will draw upon to be successful in society and in whatever their pathway after Willoughby.
We work hard to build our pupils aspirations and expose them to a range of experiences which in turn will broaden their horizon and inspire them to aim high.
We recognise that for pupils to aspire and be successful academically and in the wider areas of their lives, they need to be given rich and sustained opportunities to develop their cultural capital. We do this in many ways, for example, through our curriculum, extra-curricular activities, trips and visits and careers activities.
At Willoughby there are six key areas of development that are interrelated and contribute to building a pupil’s cultural capital and link closely with British Values
Personal Development
Social Development
Physical Development
- Careers work experience and employability skills
- Stay safe education
- Personal, Social and Health Education curriculum
- The school’s wider pastoral support
- Transition support and induction
- Emotional literacy support
- Activities focused on building self-esteem
- Mental Health & well-being provision
- Work to develop confidence e.g. role play, supporting peers
- Independence and self help skills
- Resilience
- Communication- SALT programmes- eyegaze – tech talk
- PHSE curriculum
- Fundraising activities – children in need, Macmillan
- Pupil Voice
- Extra curricular activities
- Local community involvement/ community café
- Access to 1:1 support
- Opportunities to perform in front of a wider audience
- Lunch clubs
- Assemblies
- Interaction with external visitors
- School trips
- Physical Education curriculum
- Deeping United football coaching
- Boccia tournaments
- Forest school
- Anti-bullying and safeguarding policies and strategies
- The health, drugs, alcohol, smoking and healthy relationships and elements of the PHSE curriculum
- Extra curricular activities available for unstructured time, including lunch
- Activity-based residential - PGL
- Food preparation and nutrition curriculum
- Performing arts curriculum
- Sports day/Strictly Willoughby
- Physio and OT programmes
- Spa
Spiritual Development
Moral Development
Cultural Development
- The Religious Education Curriculum
- Collective acts of worship
- Support for the expression of individual faiths
- Assembly programme for formal curriculum pathway
- Involvement with local churches and places of worship
- Inter-faith and faith-specific activities and speakers
- Visits to religious buildings and centres
- Well being meditation and yoga
- Exploring the awe and wonder of the natural world around us – forest school/Bourne Woods
- Agreeing class rules
- Understanding right from wrong
- Respecting others and remembering manners
- The Religious Education Curriculum
- The school’s behaviour system – individual plans
- Contributions to local and national charitable projects
- Restorative justice
- Pastoral support
- Access to the Arts
- Access to the languages and cultures of other countries through the curriculum, visits and visitors, books, food, virtual visits to museums and the use of the 4D room
- Promotion of racial equality and community cohesion
- Co-operative values
British Values
- Pupil voice/school council (Democracy)
- Behaviour policy (Rule of Law)
- Class rules (Rule of Law)
- Pupils have key roles and responsibilities (Individual Liberty)
- Pupils are encouraged to make choices knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment (Individual Liberty)
- The schools’ vision statement is embodied in all we do (Individual Liberty)
- Varied PSHE Curriculum (Mutual Respect)
- RE Curriculum (Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs)