Curriculum Pathways
Willoughby Curriculum Pathways 2023-2024
The early years pathway follows the EYFS framework. There is a strong focus on learning and developing through play providing opportunities for pupils to take part in activities that build on and extend their interests and develop their social, intellectual and emotional abilities. Opportunities are provided for learning in different environments, both indoors and outdoors, using a wide range of resources and equipment including specialised equipment and sensory provision to support pupil’s needs.
The Pre-Formal pathway is designed to support the engagement and learning of pupils with profound and complex needs. The curriculum is based around the areas of communication and language, cognition and learning, sensory and physical, personal and independence and me and my community. Pupils’ learning and experiences are supported by multi-sensory learning experiences, specialised equipment and learning environments.
The Informal Pathway follows a curriculum which reflects the needs of the individual. This includes developing their cognition and learning, communication and language, personal and independence skills, and also provides opportunities to feel part of and understand the wider community and world. Pupils have access to a breadth of experiences which support a holistic approach to learning. The pupils’ physical, health, social, emotional and communication needs are incorporated into the school day.
The Semi-Formal Pathway follows a curriculum focussing on Communication, PSHE, English, Maths and Science. It is delivered at a cognitive level linked to learner ability. Pupils who follow this pathway are working and progressing within the national curriculum framework but require much more over learning and topic re-visitation. Although similar to a mainstream model, consideration is given to an adapted curriculum which considers individual needs and allows for significant sensory and therapeutic input.
The Formal Pathway follows a curriculum focussing on Communication, PSHE, English, Maths and Science but at a higher cognitive level than our semi-formal curriculum. Although similar to a mainstream model, consideration is given to an adapted mastery curriculum which considers individual needs and allows for longitudinal learning, sensory input, repetition and overlearning. Pupils access a timetable similar to that of a mainstream model but significant time is given to further pupils social and emotional development, independence skills and preparation for the world of work.
The Preparing for Adulthood Pathway has a major focus on developing increasing levels of independence, focussing specifically on life skills, employability or a combination of both. We offer high quality ‘real-life and ‘real-world’ education to all pupils between the ages of sixteen to nineteen. It is aligned to the whole school curriculum but with a shift in focus to preparation for adulthood and lives beyond Willoughby