Pastoral Support
At Willoughby we understand that pupils’ emotional and mental wellbeing is an important factor in their learning journey and pastoral support is an integral part of Academy life.
Pastoral support at Willoughby involves a whole school approach which is reflected in staff attitudes and the learning environment. Through this approach pupils are supported to feel safe, confident, happy and part of the school community.
The Nurture Hub is the Academy’s dedicated calm space where planned support interventions take place. We have a variety of interventions available for our pupils including;-
ELSA – Sessions are planned and delivered to support an identified area of emotional need. ELSA’s are supervised and supported by Educational Psychologists. Elsa’s aim to remove barriers to learning and support pupils’ emotional and mental wellbeing.
Lego Therapy- Supports pupils social and communication skills through turn taking, interaction and collaborative problem solving.
Theraplay- A child and family therapy for building and enhancing relationships, self-esteem, trust in others and joyful engagement. Sessions are based on the natural patterns of playful, healthy interaction between adult and child. Through Theraplay children learn to communicate with others, express feelings, modify behaviour and develop problem solving skills.
Special time- A frequent, dedicated time providing a child with the opportunity to connect with an adult through play.
Each class has a Wellbeing TA who works closely with our Pupil Intervention Manager, complimenting teaching and learning and providing both individual and group interventions as needed. The wellbeing TA’s are trained to deliver a reactive and supportive approach to pupils emotional and mental health needs and will monitor pupil difficulties and make referrals when necessary for further support.
Referrals for Pastoral support can be made by pupils, parents, carers, staff or professionals using the form here.
Drawing and talking is a child-centred one to one intervention focusing on supporting the social and emotional wellbeing of the child or young person. It is a safe and gentle therapeutic approach providing an effective way for children to process emotional pain or trauma they have experienced.
Parent/carer information
The Local Offer brings together information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their families. The Local offer is an online directory of support available in our area including where to start with SEND, wellbeing advice and information on preparing for adult.
Please find the link to the local offer below.
Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum (LPCF) are recognised and supported by the Department for Education under the SEND code of practice (2015). LPCF is an independent members organisation who meet and liaise with parents through events and coffee mornings as well as organise workshops and information sharing for parents, carers and professionals.
For more information please follow the link below
All parents and carers of Willoughby pupils are also considered as unpaid carers due to the needs of the children. Carers First support unpaid carers over the age of 16 in Lincolnshire with help, advice as well as practical support.
It’s estimated there are 79,000 people in Lincolnshire providing care for a relative or friend. Carers First believe every one of those people deserves the support necessary to thrive in their role
Please follow the link below for more information
Kooth is a digital platform giving children and young people of 11 to 25 years, immediate access to an online mental health and wellbeing community of peers and a team of experienced accredited counsellors. Academy staff are trained to support pupils to access Kooth and workshop opportunities are provided in school.
Coffee Mornings
Our monthly coffee mornings provide the opportunity for parents and carers to meet with guest speakers and school staff to share relevant information in an informal way.
If you would like to book a place at an upcoming coffee morning please email