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All teachers have access to a range of careers and work-related resources (Skills Builder) to support the delivery of Willoughby's Careers Strategy, this is in line with the new Careers Strategy and Gatsby benchmark 4 - linking curriculum learning to careers

Skills Builder focusses on developing eight essential skills which map across to the four domains that come up time and again as the core, transferable skills for employment. As a school, we have a termly focus on the development of 1 particular skill.

Teaching, support staff and in particular job coaches are regularly involved in supporting careers and enterprise activities and also provide on-going support to pupils with regard to progression routes and choices after Willoughby. Willoughby also has an external Careers advisor who supports pupils.

All staff have an important role in helping to raise pupil aspiration and providing information and advice about possible pathways after school. All staff should be able to signpost pupils to our careers and work-related resources, opportunities and the Careers Leader. If you need any further information or support with careers learning please contact Vicki or Evelyn.